About Me

I am a Senior Lecturer at Deakin University, Australia. I hold a Ph.D. in Computer Science (2016) from City, University of London. I am interested in neural computing and its advantages in making sense from data. My current focus is on neural-symbolic computing for robust, transparent AI, and Human-AI teaming. I am also interested in applications of (deep) neural networks in Health Care, Agriculture, and Autonomous Systems.


28-Mar-2024: Our joint project “Computer Vision for Sport Analytics” between Deakin University and IIT-Madras was selected for funding. We are now recruiting a PhD student. Please contact if you are interested.

25-Mar-2024: Our bidding to host KR 2025 in Melbourne is succesful.

15-Jan-2024: Our paper “Deep Learning for Plant Identification and Disease Classification from Leaf Images: Multi-prediction Approaches” has been published in ACM Computing Surveys (joint first author) link preprint code

10-July-2023: I am now a Senior Lecturer at Deakin University. I will be located at Burwood campus, Melbourne but I am working remotely from Tasmania until November this year.

9-July-2023: I have left the University of Tasmania as a full-time academic staff. I will be holding a position of Adjunct Senior Researcher at the School of Information and Communication Technology, the University of Tasmania.

24-May-2023: I gave a talk about “Robust Artificial Intelligence” to the Security Research Group at the University of Melbourne.

20-Nov-2022: Our paper “Neurosymbolic Reasoning and Learning with Restricted Boltzmann Machines” has been accepted for publication at AAAI23 (A*, first author, acceptance rate 19.6%)

03-Feb-2022: Our paper “A Self-Learning Approach for Baggiatoa Coverage Estimation in Aquaculture” has been selected for the “Best Application Paper Award” at the 34th Australasian Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence.

04-Nov-2021: Welcome to Machine Learning Tasmania community (link). Our open community aims to connect researchers, Machine Learning enthusiasts, and businesses in Tasmania.

10-Aug-2021: Our Aus4Innovation grant application has been successful ( media-1, media-2, media-3)

27-Jul-2021: My AI for Decision Making Innitiative grant has been successful. The grant is funded by Defence Science Institute.

30-Apr-2021: My paper “Compositional Neural Logic Programming” has been accepted for presentation at IJCAI-21 (Rank A*, sole author).

12-Mar-2021: Our paper “Deep Auto-Encoders with Sequential Learning for Multimodal Dimensional Emotion Recognition” has been accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Multimedia (Rank A*, IF 6.051)

05-Jun-2020: Our paper “Neural-Symbolic Probabilistic Argumentation Machines” has been accepted for publication in KR 2020 (Rank A*, joint first author).

29-May-2020: Our paper “Mixed-dependency models for multi-resident activity recognition in smart homes” has been accepted for publication in Multimedia Tools and Applications (first author).

11-Jan-2020: Our paper “Sequence Classification Restricted Boltzmann Machines with Gated Units” has been accepted for publication in IEEE TNNLS (Rank A*, IF 11.683, Q1, first author).

05-Jan-2020: Our chapter “Towards Multi-resident Activity Monitoring with Smarter Safer Home Platform” has been published in the book “Smart Assisted Living”, Springer (first author).